
Showing posts from June, 2017

How to Make Use of Olap Solution on Hadoop to Speed up Business Intelligence on Big Data?

Several companies keep looking for right approach to migrate their data coming from multiple data sources to a Hadoop-based framework. This gets driven by the fact that Hadoop offers a cheaper and more scalable platform to store and evaluate the historic data with the improved granularity and flexibility of integrating all sorts of data sources within their analysis to obtain resourceful insights. The primary aim is to fetch the benefits of Big Data analytics for the companies as for the companies as quickly and interactively as possible. Most companies don’t prefer to change their BI tools and use new big data analytics tools as they are familiar with the existing ones. Business users must be capable of constantly running the reports and questions that they have and garner insights through the data collected by them on Hadoop.  While the companies try connecting the existing BI tools on Hadoop directly, they give up soon enough as there is so much wait for q...